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How We Started...
In the summer of 1999, six passionate university students Dennis, Benny, Tina, Linda,
Jenny and Joey attended the “International Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Cultural Camp”in Hua-lien Taiwan and returned to New Zealand in 2000 and began the journey of New Zealand Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Association (known as New Zealand Tzu-Ching). At the beginning of 2000 when the club began, New Zealand Tzu-Ching often attend event organized by the branch which included rest home visit, clean beach, donation, flea market, and the bush adventure camp. Towards the end of 2000, 8 officers joined the journey back to Hualien Taiwan and attend the “International Tzu-Chi Collegiate Youth Officers Camp”. Starting form 2001, more variety of activities were introduced to the club, such as North Shore Tree planting, Tree Plantings on remote islands, flea market in Takapuna, and East Tamaki Primary School study support. New Zealand TC officers also attended the first Australasian officer camp and began more communication with TC officers from 5 other regions. The TC university club was finally commenced in the year of 2002 and began to invite new members to join with us and spread the seed of love to many people. Setting up a stall on Orientation Week in 2002, TCNZ rose rapidly in numbers. Also for the first time, TCNZ held their first ever cultural camp. From 2002 to 2004, TCNZ numbers rose to being around a hundred each year. In 2005, the training and structure of Tzu-Ching officers was set and changed. The first officers camp started September, quickly the systems were on track. From 2005 to now, the members numbers have been around 150~200 people, officer numbers around 15~20 people. TCNZ have and will always walk on the path of Tzu Chi by our missions of charity, medicine, education and humanitarian in New Zealand. We hope that more young people join our family to care for the planet and all people. |
1999 年的暑假,六位紐西蘭大學生回台灣度假之時,在生長於慈濟家庭的王韋
翔學長(當時也是奧大學生)極力邀約下,回到花蓮參加佛教慈濟基金會所主辦 的“全球海外慈青幹部研習營"。活動中,從認識慈濟到了解慈濟的精神與理 念,深受「善的力量」所感動。回到紐西蘭後,大家積極的推動與籌畫,希望 讓這股善的力量能延續。於2000年的三月,成立慈濟紐西蘭大專青年聯誼會(簡 稱 紐西蘭慈青)。 萬事起頭難,紐西蘭慈青初成立時,常參與配合慈濟紐西蘭分會所舉辦之大小 活動,包括老人院慰訪、淨灘、義賣及募款。 2001年後的活動陸續增加,也更多樣化,包括北岸植樹、外島植樹、Takapuna 跳蚤市場義賣、East Tamaki Primary School 學生課業輔導。 紐西蘭慈青所辦的活動受到許多大專青年的熱烈響應,也有更多有志一同的年 輕人加入,為了讓更多年輕學子瞭解慈濟在做甚麼,凝聚更多為善的力量,於 是在2002 年舉辦了紐西蘭第一屆的慈青生活營。 2005 年,紐西蘭慈青更開始擬定並實施幹部培訓制度,包括見習幹部的制度、 培訓幹部的受訓流程和第一屆的紐西蘭慈青幹部訓練營等等,都在這一年落 實。 至此,紐西蘭慈青的會務推動開始穩定地成長。紐西蘭慈青也一直秉持著大愛 感恩的精神,提供更多元化的活動並希望能更深入當地,落實慈濟的四大志業( 慈善、醫療、教育、人文),期盼著能接引更多的年輕人進入著個大家庭,為地 球、為眾生多盡一份心力。 |